Live2D Rig Commission

Reka Here! I'm a werewolf who loves money.


Last Boss Rig.

• Head and Body XYZ
• Mouth Vowel
• Eye Movement
• Detail Physic
• 3 Toggle Expression
14-21 Days to Finish


First Boss Rig.

• Head and Body XZ
• Mouth Vowel
• Basic Physic (Breathing and simple hair)
• 3 Toggle Expression
14 Days to Finish


Half Body and Chibi Rig

• Head and Body X or Z
• Mouth Vowel
• Basic Physic (for Chibi)
• 3 Toggle Expression
7-10 Days to Finish

* All price is depend on complexity


• Just ask me if you have question or something in mindI will not start the project until i check the file and say it can be use for riggingIf you're not going to fix the file, I'm going to rig it as it is so DO NOT complain• I will let you know TWICE, if the file needs to be fix. You can fix it back to your artist or by me with Additional Fees• I will start the project after 50% Up Front Payment• If u wanna booking for slots that will be 50% Up Front Payment• I have the right to use your commission as samples. I will only use them for this purpose and upload it right away ( However if you do not want me to, pIease let me know )I DO NOT provide refunds after payment has been made for whatever reason (Please Read This Carefully)I DO NOT give .cmo3 file (if you want it you can buy it 150% from the rigging price)• I have the right to refuse a project for any reason• I will provide One Free Revision. Additional fees will apply for more• I am given fulI credit as Tadano Reka with a link to my Twitter• Selling my model rigging is not allowed• If I am unable to complete or continue the project for any reason, only then will I issue a refund• If payment has been made that means you're willing to follow and obey my Term of Services


MAKE SURE YOU READ AND AGREE TO MY TERMS OF SERVICES• Decided which Type of Rigging that you want• Send me the Model right away so i can check if it can be use for rigging or not (if your model isn't ready yet, just let me know)• Tell me if you want me to keep your model secret until Your Debut• Decide the payment method beforehand• Chat me on Discord (@reka_tadano) or DM my Twitter for Fast Respond (DM's are open)• DO NOT SPAM, I'll Definitely read your chat but if I'm not, chat me again after 4-6 hours if i don't answer